
For my website pages I'm going to keep the layout simple so its easy to use. I am using Photoshop to create each page separately so thing are easy to put in Dreamwever when to make it work in Sp4. I am creating six different pages, a splash page which has my logo on it and my name, then a information page which include to titles to the other pages which a can click on to go to that page, then a CV page, a contact page with all my details on it, a gallery page which will have the name of my projects on then you can select a project and you will get a page with part of each piece of work on it then you can click on the piece of work you want to look at and it will come up big and with a piece of writing about the work and also a blog and links page where i will have my blog address a any other website which i find interesting. each page will have a key so it can go back to any other page.

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