
Today we had to present our book covers to the class and James they all looked good and the presentation went well. we all got feedback and i was very happy with my feedback everyone liked my cover and i only had a few slight changes which i will change for hand in on Tuesday.
For my website pages I'm going to keep the layout simple so its easy to use. I am using Photoshop to create each page separately so thing are easy to put in Dreamwever when to make it work in Sp4. I am creating six different pages, a splash page which has my logo on it and my name, then a information page which include to titles to the other pages which a can click on to go to that page, then a CV page, a contact page with all my details on it, a gallery page which will have the name of my projects on then you can select a project and you will get a page with part of each piece of work on it then you can click on the piece of work you want to look at and it will come up big and with a piece of writing about the work and also a blog and links page where i will have my blog address a any other website which i find interesting. each page will have a key so it can go back to any other page.


In there book its said they had a rocking chair with hand printed flowers on it. i choose my font for the type and used a knife to scratch away at it to make the effect of it being old i then did the some with to different shapes of flowers. I then laid them out on the page to create my cover. i am very happy with my cover however I'm not sure about the white background but i think its the best idea at the moment.
Once i read parts of the book i start working on some ideas my first thought was to just use type. First of i put all the text on a page and started playing around with layout i soon realise there need to be some sort of imagery for the type to work on the page. I then started to write a list of things out of the book i thought i could use and create an image from.
Today we had our third and final brief, this brief was a live brief which means we would be creating something that is a real thing / event etc.

Our brief is to create a new front cover for one of the penguins book, called One Hundred Years of Solitude. We have to read the book and use it to create a new contemporary cover with a strong use of typography. the book is hard to read and get the hang of there were imagery in to you could use.

Now i've created my my final business card, compliments slip and letter head, i now need to start my layouts for my my web pages. I have an idea of what i want my website to look like but first i will do some research into other website to get some more ideas of layout and what i need to put in my website.
Once i completed my magazine spreads i printed them out for ready for presentations.
During the presentation i spoke about how i created my magazine spreads and what influence me. I got good feedback from the class and James, and was given ideas of things i could add or needed to be changed. i am very happy with my Alexey Brodovitch spread and my cover but would like to keep working on the Cecil Beaton spread so it looks better so its ready to go in my portfolio.
I used my logo to create my stationary outcomes. I first designed my business card, my layout is quite simple i think its different i had my logo and information set at the bottom of the page it just fitted right. Therefore i then had to base my compliment slip and letterhead around he layout of my business card and played around with colour, size and finally was help with the finished outcome.


After folding paper and using string to create my initials i decided to use the computer to create the shapes that folding the paper created. I used blocks to created a shape that symbolises my initials but you would only be able to know it said SW if you new my name or if i showed you what it stands for. I will now use my logo to design my stationary.

I continued developing my designs for both my magazine spreads. I used the influence of Alexey Brodovitch's use of white space and created my own magazine spread using white space, i created a layout where i have two rows, one with my article and images and the other with text saying white space. I then used my masthead of the magazine name seen and created an all round cover of the magazine i used one of the photo took by Cecil Beaton on my front cover and i used typography so show the work of Alexey Brodovitch.
For my two magazine spreads i am writing an article on Cecil Beaton and one on AlexeyBrodotvitch. I choose cecil Beaton because i really like black and white photography and Alexey Brodovitch use of white space in has magazine spread are amazing so i want to base that magazine spread on him.


Ed Ruscha

For our main project for Oli's lesson we had to design our own self identify which had to include stationary set ( business card, compliment slip and letterhead) also pages for our own website layout. I started by hand drawing my name and initials and playing around with smooth flowing lines. i choose one that i liked and then thought about other materials i could use to make it flow more. i did some research and found one person that used many different materials to create different words. I used string and folded paper to create my initials.

These are just some of the mastheads i looked at for are next project. We need to design a masthead cover and two double pages spread from a design magazine called SEEN.
We also had to write the articles for the spreads. I started by research mastheads, magazine covers and layouts.

during one of Oli's lesson we can to create a poster using words that we thought descried us best. we all found it really hard to think of words for our self.
I choose -

I really like my final poster and Oli said if i changed a few things on it, it could be a good piece to go in my portfolio which I'm happy with.


once we all print our final poster we all find things wrong but i felt mine was all wrong alot of the spacing was wrong and the layout of quotes. i still like my poster however i would like to create another one bases on one of my previous ideas, i will correct what is wrong with my final poster and hopefully complete another one so they are able to go in my portfilo.
after speaking with malcon we decided we liked the ideas of the positive and negative words used in the design. icould aslo find more words to descride the font also i could find quotes of ask people what they think of helvetica. i now need to think about colour, layout, spacing, and where im going to put the other elements on the page i.e logo etc.
in the week i started to play around with my ideas of the computer i produce alot of layouts, changing parts that didnt look right, but i though they looked boring and easy. after speaking to james we decide i should find some words to descride my font and maybe use them in my poster. i made a list of words then did some rough thuminails use the words in the designs. i then produced a few of the rough ones on the computer to look over then with malcom in the next lesson. i am really enjoying this project i like producing ideas and piece of typography.
During the weekend i design some ideas for my poster using my marker pens and layout paper. i looked into the work of joesph muller brockman which helped me get some ideas for my design, i really enjoy using the marker oens however i find sometimes it takes up alot of time.


Today's lesson was with James we presented our research and thoughts to him about our ideas for our posters, we all got some feedback. I then went back to the computer and the library to research some designers James spoke about. I found one designer i really like the work of, this really helps me get started of some designs for the poster.

Joseph Muller Brockman

Today's lesson was with Oli we used our font we designed in fontsturct to make posters. I need my font and designed the poster around to name and what it meant.

I called the font Norm
I looked up the word and found many different meanings -

Norm (group), a certain subgroup of a group
Norm (sociology), social norms, expected patterns of behavior studied in sociology. statistical norm, actual patterns of behavior studied (evident) in sociology.
Today was the first day back into the second year of the course, this year counts the most. We were given our timetable for the semester, our module handbook and our brief for the first project. Each project is 4 weeks long in SP3 we were told what we had to do and what the final outcome was going to be. We spoke about our work placement, where we should be going and how to getting touch with different companies. We then read though the brief and highlighted any key facts. i really like the sound of this first project as i really enjoy doing typography work.I now need to go away and research more into the fonts we were given for the summer work and also start writing the interruption of the brief.