
Today's lesson was with James we presented our research and thoughts to him about our ideas for our posters, we all got some feedback. I then went back to the computer and the library to research some designers James spoke about. I found one designer i really like the work of, this really helps me get started of some designs for the poster.

Joseph Muller Brockman

Today's lesson was with Oli we used our font we designed in fontsturct to make posters. I need my font and designed the poster around to name and what it meant.

I called the font Norm
I looked up the word and found many different meanings -

Norm (group), a certain subgroup of a group
Norm (sociology), social norms, expected patterns of behavior studied in sociology. statistical norm, actual patterns of behavior studied (evident) in sociology.
Today was the first day back into the second year of the course, this year counts the most. We were given our timetable for the semester, our module handbook and our brief for the first project. Each project is 4 weeks long in SP3 we were told what we had to do and what the final outcome was going to be. We spoke about our work placement, where we should be going and how to getting touch with different companies. We then read though the brief and highlighted any key facts. i really like the sound of this first project as i really enjoy doing typography work.I now need to go away and research more into the fonts we were given for the summer work and also start writing the interruption of the brief.